Allianz Global Investors is one of the world’s leading active investment managers. Understanding our clients’ needs in order to act to their best advantage is embedded in our business, using our insightfulness to partner with clients and to drive performance.
Allianz Global Investors and its predecessors have been managing investment trusts since 1889, providing investors with access to investment opportunities around the world. Each trust is a company listed and traded on the London Stock Exchange that has its own independent board of directors whose duty it is to look after your interests as an investor.
The Brunner Investment Trust PLC aims to provide growth in capital and dividends over the long term by seeking out the world’s most exciting growth opportunities. We believe that it’s the quality of the company that matters, not its location – so through Brunner, investors can access a spread of high-quality growth companies operating in different sectors and countries in a single portfolio. The Trust favors large, well-financed businesses with global reach, pricing power and brand strength.
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